Position Title
Bioinformatics Engineer
- Genome Center
Guillaume Jospin is a Bioinformatician in the Eisen lab. Guillaume received a BS in Bioinformatics from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2006 and a Master’s degree from the Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France in 2008.
Guillaume joined the Eisenlab in December 2009 and was part of the iSEEM project for 18 months during which he worked on developing a new fast and automated method to generate protein families. In addition he landed a hand for some work on describing the ocean bacterial biodiversity.
Since June 2011, he has been part of a privately funded project trying to identify/characterize functions of plant associated microbes. He has also been working for a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funded project writing an automated genomes and metagenomes analysis pipeline called Phylosift.